Notes from an Island


by Jansson, Tove and Pietila, Tuulikki; Non-fiction; Biography/Memoir; Geography/Nature
Published on 23/05/2024 by Sort Of Books
Paperback | 112 pages, 24 full page sepia aquatints

SKU: '9781908745941 Categories: , ,


For thirty summers Tove and her partner, the graphic artist, Tuulikki Pietilä, retreated to the tiny island of Klovharun, a rocky outcrop in the gulf of Finland, where they would live, paint and write, energised by the shifting seascapes and the island’s austere charms. Notes from an Island, offers both a memoir of, and homage to, this beloved island home. Tove’s spare prose, and Tuulikki’s subtle washes and aquatints, combine to form a work of meditative beauty.

This edition includes the first UK publication of Tove’s acclaimed 1961 essay/prose poem, The Island.